What Social Media Shares with Horse Racing


What do social media and Santa Anita have in common? Both have a variety of post times. That’s right. There are right moments and wrong moments to publish your glorious content on Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest. During the right moments, users are available and ready to receive everything you’ve got; during the wrong, you might as well talk to a brick wall. Clearly, timing is everything for comedians and success-oriented digital marketers.

How do you determine the optimum interval? Is there a secret? Not really. But there is required research. Digital marketers must know all the who and the what. Every user group or audience segment has its own time preferences – those golden periods when hunger for messaging soars.

It’s up to the resident squad of digital marketers to find out what those magic moments are. Not a quick project. The possibilities cover a wide territory of variables. Time preferences can vary according to brand industry, audience, region, and many other factors.

Preferences also can tie into a particular platform. Facebook, for instance, generates the most viewer interest during specific weekly intervals. According to OptinMonster, a provider of lead generation software, Facebook draws the most user interest during the daylight hours. Which means late sleepers should post elsewhere.

Ideally, Facebook’s daylight interval will be diced up even finer for B2C enterprises. As it turns out, these entities have the biggest pull when the clock strikes 12 noon. During this time, a hefty portion of loyal followers are plugging themselves into the internet.

Instagram, too, exhibits max pull during its own bountiful periods. For this platform, viewer interest generally climbs to a high point at mid-week. Other platforms have their own preferred viewing times, as well.

No question about it. Precision timing is crucial. By posting optimally, digital marketers maximize the all-important engagement levels. More conversations, more sharing, more likes, and more of every other engagement indicator will result thanks to the exposure to a widened base of users. And how those algorithms will reward you by prioritizing any posted content that engaged so magnificently. All it takes is a bit of research … and a bit of luck.

If you have questions or comments about timing the publication of social media posts, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or bart@youngcompany.com. And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.