Marketing OC: Quick Ways to Build Your Brand’s Calendar

marketing-oc--quick-ways-to-build-your-brands-calendarKeep this in mind before you design a schedule — social media is a varied bunch, each network operating on its own timetable. Twitter, for instance, engages best with around four tweets per day. Instagram requires about fifteen. The much-less demanding Facebook, on the other hand, does just fine with a mere one post a day. Bottom line is — know what works best for what. But solving this riddle is only the beginning.

    1.   Next up is figuring out which times of day are best for posting. Acquiring this precious knowledge likely will demand some experimentation. Vary your posting times to see which ones generate the highest engagement numbers.
    1.  For a major engagement boost, brands should adhere to the maxim – ‘Once is not enough’. Share your posts multiple times, and you’ll likely need a signal to control the rush of traffic coming your way. And that’s within a single day. Now multiply this daily surge by days in the month, and you could be packing them in like a rock star.
  1.  And don’t forget the other great maxim of social media – ‘Ask and you shall receive’. Here and there, drop a relevant question into your posts. The inquiry very likely will prompt a response from a wise visitor eager to share knowledge and engage full force with your brand.

If preferred, you can gain some timing insights by tapping into social media resources such as QuickSprout, Buffer, and Fast Company. These services all provide data to help marketers time their posts for maximum impact. Be sure to figure variables such as geographical area and time zone into your calculations.

If you have any questions or comments about scheduling social media to increase engagement, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or