Branding: How to Create Winning Content with Two U’s

Branding: How to Create Winning Content with Two U's

When you come right down to it, what defines effective online content? Visits, Engagement, Shares? Well, actually all three of these factors enter into the success picture. When the numbers are high in this trio of categories, more often than not the interest level will be admirably reflected in brand performance.
Thus, savvy brands should be doing everything possible to keep these levels in the upper regions.
But if you can’t do everything possible, at least bring the following qualities to your online content. Here in these parts, we call them the two U’s.

U 1, Uniqueness:

To be different from the pack is to stand out. Always a good thing in a cramped and crowded region such as brand space. If you can pull a truly unique subject out of thin air, bravo! Load it onto that blog or webpage. It’s bound to spark at least a smattering of interest, even if it doesn’t sweep the world with trend-setting vigor. Remember, that narrow niche whose eyeballs you lured can unleash a torrent of shares in very short order.

And even if you’re tackling a heard-it-a-zillion-times subject, you always can leap over boundaries by providing a fresh, unique angle. More often than not, an individualized, re-imagined perspective gives high-saturation topics incredible firepower.

U 2, Usability:

We’ve all heard about ‘news you can use’. Brands can follow suit with content people can use. A good example of this very embraceable, high-value content is your basic how-to. How to sing, cook, ski, etc. The list goes on. Just pick a relevant how-to topic, and you’ve hit on one great way to generate substantial interest.

If you have any questions or comments about creating effective content, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.