Gain Social Media Fans By Feeding Their Appetites

Once upon a time, social media was a convenient way for thousands of attention-seekers to exchange news flashes about the minutiae of their lives. Then marketing entities discovered a pot of gold gleaming somewhere within the social media rainbow. They swooped on Twitter, Facebook, and all the rest, did a little molding, and snap — turned them all into indispensable components of sound marketing strategies.


Today, most marketers envision social media as a tractor beam pulling in legions of loyal followers . To keep things interesting, businesses often bundle special offers with their Tweets. But according to recent studies, countless consumers are looking for more than deep discounts when they connect with you on the social media plane. What the vast majority of followers actually crave is something called interaction. Social media types are gluttons for info about new products, features, or services. In fact, the typical power user (somebody with a minimum of 500 social connections) actually rates product and company info higher than great deals on the desirability scale.


The task for marketers is simple. Give the people what they want. Engage them with news they can use about your company. And chances are exceptionally good they’ll keep coming back for more. Nice way to build brand familiarity, wouldn’t you say?


If you’d like to learn more about harnessing the power of social media to build brand loyalty for your product or service, we’ll be happy to help. You can connect with The Young Company team at You can connect with Young Company’s team at 949-376-8404 or . And be sure to follow our Twitter  for the latest industry news and tips.

