Orange County is Still a Golden Spot in the Golden State


More than a few of you out there probably will be affected or maybe even afflicted by last week’s election. Some might be uncorking champagne and dancing energetic jigs in the streets. Others might be seething volcanoes of discontent. But no matter where you are on the mood meter, you have ample reason to be grateful. Why? Because, my friends, you’re kicking around in one of the world’s prime locales. Say what you want about California, but this still is a fantastic place to hang your hat.


Sure, sure there have been complaints galore about the burdens of doing business in the golden state. But a recent study on tax rates here tells a different story and finds that although the state’s corporate income tax rate is among the nation’s highest, credits and other measures diminish the bite. In essence, our taxes are no higher than average.


Believe me, you can do far worse than California. Many of our states are getting pummeled by massive job relocations. Newton, Iowa is a perfect example. This was once a bustling company town of 15,000. But Maytag recently closed their plant there. In the blink of an eye, 2500 jobs vanished, only to turn up in Mexico.


I know, Orange County isn’t exactly setting speed records in the recovery department. But at least we’re going in the right direction. In this age of new economic realities, who could ask for more? When you compare the weather to any place, this is the place to be.
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