Decipher the Content Code

Feb 6Decipher the Content Code

How does a brand marketer know what kind of content will resonate with customers? Guesswork? Instinct? Drawing straws?  Use those, and watch your bottom line shrivel. Along with your prospects for advancement.

If you’re serious about connecting with Mr. and Ms. Consumer, you’ll need to know what strikes their fancy … what gets them jumping off the sofa and straight for your website or store to make a purchase. Bringing this about requires deciphering the content code.

Data Does the Trick

To decipher the content code, brand marketers must be plugged into reams of information, carefully gathered, culled, and digested through hours of intensive research. Sitting on a mountain of carefully-refined data, a brand marketer has the building blocks to create high-impact messaging synced with customer frequencies. Anything less means you’re groping in the dark.

Accurate info also scores points for its adaptability. Brand marketers can match data-driven content to every stage of the purchase process, creating a stream of relevant, engaging messaging from beginning to end.

The Backing of a Research Powerhouse

Conductor, the acclaimed web presence management company, carried out major research on this very topic. According to its findings, 85% of agency executives believe it’s important to gather info regarding customer needs prior to developing content. 

The research also revealed that executives plan to reinforce their target marketing capabilities in 2015 by investing more in marketing technology.

If you have any questions or comments about data-driven content for your brand, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.
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