Brand Marketing – How to Build a Better Call to Action


Legions of brand marketers daily wrestle with this question – why are leads and prospects unresponsive? Content is well thought out, dazzling, irresistible.

Content, however, may not be the fly in the ointment. The problem might be your calls to action. When these miss the mark, responses will be few and far between.

So what makes an effective call to action? Let’s start with noticeability. A call to action (CTA) shouldn’t blend with its environment. Instead, it must grab attention – stand out from page clutter with commanding visibility. Bold lettering, bright colors, and any other eye-catching embellishments will work wonders.

Variety also helps when deploying CTAs. Fortunately, brand marketers can choose from a wide selection of alluring possibilities. There’s the button style, the pop-up, the graphic, and, of course, the standard, standalone text. Mix and match to your heart’s content – they all work beautifully.

To maximize effectiveness, don’t limit yourself to a single option. Splash those web pages with several styles, thereby creating a refreshing variety. This effort instantly elevates your brand from humdrum to exciting.

Don’t stop with a single page; deploy CTAs on every web page. You simply never know when a visitor will feel the itch to act. Full CTA coverage ensures you’ll be there when that moment arrives.

And never go overboard with the verbiage. Short and sweet does the trick when it comes to CTA word count. Simple phrases such as ‘sign up’ or ‘call now’ are much more effective than lengthy directives.

How does a conscientious brand marketer know if a CTA strategy is working? Guesswork is one way to go. The more effective option, however, is the wise usage of tracking software. This will uncover choice data such as the number of times a CTA was viewed.

If you have any questions or comments about creating an effective call to action or any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949 376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.