What Every Logo Needs


As with every marketing team, a logo has an important job to do. It is the face of your brand, and the symbol of everything behind that face. Few website images will have more to say.

So the question is -- how does a brand marketer maximize logo job performance? Is there a magic formula? No. But there are – free of charge –some pretty useful best practices to go by. Here are some of them:

The first order of business -- avoid experimentation. A logo belongs in the upper left corner of a home page. Therefore, don’t put it this place or that, hoping to discover some new breakthrough. Ample research supports this suggestion, repeatedly demonstrating the attention-getting power of upper left location. Put your logo anywhere else, and you’re leaving it out of the limelight.

Brand marketers also will profit by leaving plenty of empty space around every logo. The emptiness helps this symbol stand – and sometimes jump – out. Surrounding a logo with clutter muddies up the message.

While video is making a big splash in the marketing world, adding movement to a logo generally is counterproductive. With all your power, fight the impulse to animate this image. Not only does logo-motion belong to a bygone era, it’s a major distraction to most users.

Finally, maintain proper logo dimensions. An oversized logo appears gaudy and pretentious – a symbol trying way too hard to make an impression. While there is no ideal logo size, sound judgement and common sense should prevail at all times.

If you have questions or comments about maximizing logo effectiveness, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or bart@youngcompany.com. And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.