Put Your Facebook Page in the Spotlight



The Facebook kingdom is overflowing with companies jostling to boost brand awareness. Are you lost in this crowd? Are you ready to carve out your own niche? Here’s how to put your Facebook page in the spotlight with the sheer power of entertainment.

1. Sponsor an Event – Everyone loves music. And Facebook fans are no exception. Feed their musical appetite and gain their endless admiration. Simply sponsor a specially-selected live concert on your Facebook page. To lower costs, add a contingent of co-sponsors to the mix.

2. Host an Event – Bigger brands in particular can play host to live and recorded events on their Facebook page. What better way to create social good will and boost the popularity of your brand all at the same time? Something to consider: When Budweiser announced it would host the live streaming of a soccer match, the company’s U.K. Facebook fan count shot up by a staggering 6,000!

3. Enhance Sociability – Your fans love to share products, movies, and live events with their friends. Fortunately, your company can access a wealth of tools and technologies designed to stimulate and enhance these types of social interactions. Incorporate these features into your marketing strategies, and you’ve set the stage for super stardom.

If you have any comments or questions about leveraging the power of Facebook and other social media, or about any other marketing topics, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with The Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #205 or byoung@youngcompany.com. And be sure to follow us for the latest industry news and tips.