Marketing You Can Hold in Your Hand … Almost

Marketing You Can Hold in Your Hand … Almost

Marketing You Can Hold in Your Hand … Almost

Almost is good enough in horseshoes … and digital marketing. That’s right. Brands can generate an almost there, almost in your hands feel with augmented reality or AR. Don’t confuse AR with virtual reality, which relies on supplementary goggles. AR is pure standalone, a blend of real world and virtual reality elements that makes marketing jump off the screen.

Why should digital marketers embrace augmented reality? Because it takes the customer experience to a whole other level. And in a world where customer experience is key, brands need the best they can muster. The kind that triggers plenty of return trips, which, if luck is on your side, triggers plenty of conversions. Augmented reality will help in a big way.

AR is a feel-good experience – an experience that sticks with viewers throughout the day. Your brand will be top of mind, always a plus when you’re trying to stand out from the competition.

Speaking of standing out, there’s nothing that helps a brand do that better than a solid AR enhanced ad. While the competition is going ho-hum conventional, you’re dazzling with spectacular 3D.

Of course, the biggest plus is the almost-there sensation generated by AR. For certain industries, the advantages are obvious.

For instance, tourism is utilizing the technology to create realistic, 3D environments ready for exploring. You might not be lying on that Maui beach, but you’re close.

Retailers, too, can offer a next-best thing 3D shopping experience to customers and prospects. Sure, people can’t slip into a pair of digital shoes. But with a detailed substitute jumping out of the screen, their imaginations will take them the rest of the way … maybe all the way to a sale.

If you have questions or comments about utilizing AR technology in marketing campaigns, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.