Why isn't all voting done online today?
For decades I complained that every time I visited a doctor, I would be required to complete my medical history, answering questions like, “When did you have your last smallpox shot?” Heck, how am I supposed to remember all this stuff? More importantly, why can’t they computerize all my medical information, so all the doctors and patients are looking at the same medical records?
Well, after 30 years of complaining, everything I could ever hope for is a reality today. All my test results, doctor recommendations, prescriptions and appointments are one mouse click away. Medical records nirvana is here now!
So, what is up with voter registration and ballot counting? It was a giant quagmire in the 2000 presidential election resulting in the Supreme Court hand picking the president. So much for every vote counts! As a result, the candidate with the most popular votes lost and everyone got an education in Electoral College math. You would think a train wreck like we witnessed in 2000 would result in some major changes to improve the accountability, efficacy and efficiency or our electoral system. But no! Because whoever wins does not want to change the system that got them elected.
Good news! The perfect system is on its way. It provides complete transparency so every voter can double check what they voted for. They can see how their vote compared to others. They can get more information on every bill presented. They can do it from their home, office or while on vacation through dozens of media devices and systems.
But what about voter fraud? How can it be prevented? Well, the bad news is that there will always be cyber criminals out to rig the results. But with online voting, the auditing would be a lot faster and more accurate. By tying voter registration to social security numbers, every person who wants to vote, needs to have one. A lot of people will not like this, but the fact is, the Feds have been requiring SS# for voter registration since 1993.
So, when will online voting become a reality? Gradually. It won’t happen overnight, that is for sure. But it will happen and when it does you are going to love it because you will play a vital role in assuring the accuracy of the data recorded.
I welcome your thoughts on this. Positive or negative. Please feel free to reach me anytime at byoung@youngcompany.com or 949-376-8404.
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