What’s Brewing in The Consumers Mind?


What’s brewing with consumers in the year 2015? What are these folks up to? What thoughts are rocketing around in their heads? Not always easy to know these answers, even if you’re a bona fide master guru with a million-plus following. Nevertheless, the trend spotters have been out and about. And they’ve detected certain things shaping up in Consumer Land. Here are some of their key sightings.

Known Quantity

Thanks to metrics galore and a slew of data-collection mechanisms, marketers have access to mountains of consumer info. And guess what. These savvy shoppers know you know. So they have certain expectations. Such as — If I’m loyal to your brand, you better treat me as such. Marketers don’t need a red carpet. Just some recognition of consumer loyalty and value.

Sharing Syndrome

More and more, consumers are sharing content across the web. And one of the most frequently shared commodities is the personal story, both written and visual. The stats say a lot about the current state of consumer generosity:

  • 46% of adult web users post online photos or videos they’ve created.
  • 17% of web users are posting on Instagram, while 21% pin with Pinterest.
  • Snapchat boasts 100 million active users. 70% of the snappers are female; 71% are younger than 25. Snapchatters send 400 million Snapchats per day.

Tip for brand marketers – give customers shareable brand stories. Based on the above, compelling tales stand a good chance of being shared far and wide.

No Foolin’

Consumers spend a lion’s share of time doing online research. So there’s no foolin’ this inquisitive group. In most cases, the probers have analyzed the brand data, decided what’s the real deal and what’s web garbage, and whom they can trust. Transparency and genuineness will win the day.

If you have any questions or comments about current consumer trends, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or bart@youngcompany.com. And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.