With more and more people skipping the lines and shopping online, ecommerce optimization is crucial. By optimizing retail operations, brands will satisfy the increasingly higher expectations of picky consumers and see improved results on the bottom line.
Serious cost cutting begins the optimization process. Fortunately, price slashing won’t be necessary. That’s right. Brands can reduce costs simply by selling directly to consumers -- a practice known as direct to consumer (D2C) ecommerce.
By shifting into D2C mode, you can eliminate or greatly minimize dependence on third-party platforms, such as Amazon. Which means, you automatically trim away all those hefty third-party expenses. You’ll also gain control of valuable customer engagement experiences – and the data derived therefrom.
The other side of the optimization coin focuses on increasing sales. When it comes to achieving this objective, customer reviews rank high on the effectiveness scale. Of course, consumer endorsements traditionally carry great weight throughout the marketing world. But reviews are especially influential where ecommerce is concerned. Clearly, no ecommerce campaign should overlook these. Not surprisingly, the king of online review platforms is Google, with more than 60% of consumers favoring this option.
Another effective sales booster is a virtual must have for all online shoppers – super speedy deliveries. Like it or not, shoppers want it fast. Recent research reveals that more than 40% of shoppers worldwide expect merchandise on their porch in twenty-four hours. Clearly, next day delivery should be high on the priority list. You even can sweeten the deal by arranging for free delivery whenever possible.
As always, getting the most out of an ecommerce site really boils down to satisfying customers. By implanting the above strategies, you’ll be well on your way to doing exactly that.
If you have questions or comments about ecommerce marketing, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.
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