Keywords … Some Other Choice Places to Put Them

Keywords … Some Other Choice Places to Put Them

Keywords … Some Other Choice Places to Put Them

Every SEO marketer understands the importance of enriching content with strategically placed keywords. These words, more than any other element, help determine SEO ranking and therefore the ultimate flow of website traffic. But keywords shouldn’t be restricted to blogs and other content. To maximize SEO performance, make certain these words show up in four other critical areas. Doing so helps Google and other engines understand what your website is about during the all-important indexing process.

Start by putting keywords in the meta title. This is the header at the top of every webpage. A meta title also is found at the top of each listing of a search engine results page (SERP).

As a follow up, make sure keywords are embedded in the meta description. Also found on the search engine results page, this snippet of info sits directly below the title.

And make sure your URL contains relevant keywords. For some reason, many marketers overlook this area, believing a domain name is sufficient. Not so. Google and other engines scan URLs while indexing web pages. When they discover embedded keywords, engines better assess what your website is about. Moreover, these URLs appear between the title and meta description of a results pages. When they contain keywords, users see a comforting consistency between page elements. This consistency helps build trust.

Finally, SEO marketers should accept a commonly overlooked truth about search engines – they can’t recognize images, no matter how stunning. What they do recognize is the alt tag associated with an image. Alt tags that contain keywords underscore the relevancy of your webpage and give engines one more reason to put you on page one of the search results.

If you have questions or comments about improving SEO results for your brand, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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