How to Improve Video SEO in Three Simple Steps

How to Improve Video SEO in Three Simple Steps

How to Improve Video SEO in Three Simple Steps

Every SEO marketer strives to optimize written content. This goes whether the content sits in a blog, newsletter, native ad, or other communication vehicle. What isn’t as commonly known is this – optimization is crucial for virtually any marketing video intended for public consumption. Which, presumably, is all of them.

No question about it. Videos increasingly are being analyzed and ranked by the popular search engines. As a result, these snappy visual packages increasingly are showing up in search results. Bottom line – when users search for info, a properly optimized video can provide a quick connection to important visual content.

A major influence on successful video SEO is the utilization of fundamental strategies. And here’s the best part -- many of these techniques are comparatively simple to implement.

Take, for instance, one of the most important but oft overlooked strategies – the use of keywords in the video title. Sounds easy, right? Nevertheless, many marketers skip this step. Don’t. Given the choice between a snappy title minus keywords and a basic one with them, choose the latter. You’ll go further in the SEO universe. Of course, ideally you want both keywords and snappy verbiage.

There’s even more you can do with those keywords. Like embedding them (or variations thereof) into the video filename. Inserting text into this hot spot increases your chances of aligning with search engine algorithms and therefore gaining a robust ranking boost.

The final simple strategy focuses on your video description. Without exception, this block of verbal flourish should be optimized just like any other content. Once again, keywords play a major role in this process. Keep in mind, these search terms should fit organically into the flow and not appear crammed in like an afterthought. Just as they should with all other verbal content.

Bear mind, keyword placement is crucial. Generally, search terms work best when they show up in the description’s first three sentences. Why? Because that portion gets the most viewer attention. What better reason could you ask for?

If you have questions or comments about improving video SEO, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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