Digital Marketing – How to Repel Many Website Visitors


Uncork the champagne and pat yourself on the back. You’ve lured visitors to your dazzling website. Hundreds of them. But know this -- they may not stay. Why? Because in the world of brand marketing, luring is not keeping. Busy, time-crunched users won’t stay without solid inducement. The problem is, not only do many brands fail to provide the necessary inducement, they give visitors a reason to flee. The message: Come on in, now let me show you the door.

One proven form of visitor repellent is the utterly confusing page title. Visitors are itching to know what your site is all about. And they won’t waste a nanosecond combing for answers. Your job, brand marketer is to communicate the site’s purpose and built-in benefits, clearly and concisely. A short n’ sweet phrase or sentence generally does the trick nicely.

Remember, not every new visitor will arrive on your finely wrought homepage. Some of them, many of them, in fact, will touch down on a handy landing page. Therefore, ensure each of these alternate pages features suitably clear titles.

Undetectable call-to-action buttons also are great at driving away visitors. Many such buttons are inconspicuously positioned or dimly visible. The result – nothing will direct the easily discouraged user to download your white paper, sign up for newsletter, or take any other action deemed important by the strategy team.

Should you get an inkling to rectify this glaring shortcoming, strive to transform your action button into a shameless attention getter. You’ll do so by brightening it with noticeable coloring (something that hopefully avoids the disgustingly gaudy), and by taking it out of hiding and placing it in a strategically noticeable location. This process, as titles, must be carried out on every page.

If you really want to ensure complete and irreparable visitor dissatisfaction, pack those pages with messy text. You know, impossible-to-read fonts, miniscule lettering, and cramped wording. Always a delight to the average user who has nothing better to do but decipher gibberish.

If you have questions or comments about web page design, or any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.