With a 65% share of the global Internet search engine market, it is easy to characterize Google as a monopoly. And with Google’s recent elimination of right hand paid ads, they have pushed down natural search results, making it more necessary to buy Google AdWords.
But, fear not. The number of search engine alternatives is expanding. Microsoft’s Bing (now a 20% share) for example, offers a superior image and video search functionality. DuckDuckGo does not retain your search data so Big Brother can’t spy on you. Quora provides you a more personalized response. Yahoo! delivers an eclectic mix of news, ads and click-bait. So if you’re ready for another point of view, open a new window and explore the other side of search.
Please feel free to reach me anytime at byoung@youngcompany.com or 949-438-2722.
Client Spotlight: Advanced Storage Products
Advance Storage Products is the country’s leading manufacturer of pushback systems, producing nearly half of systems sold in the US. Advance’s LoPro rack system is the recognized “gold standard” for ease of installation, ease of operation, quality and durability. Our warehouse racking systems are used in major installations for many Fortune 500 companies.
Employee Spotlight: Sean Menchaca
Sean Menchaca, once an intern at Young Company, has rapidly progressed from assistant to full Art Director and has just returned from his honeymoon in Cancun Mexico. Responsible for a number of brilliant brand identity designs, digital display campaigns and social media graphics, Sean’s design and creative talent is clearly evident. Graduating from Cal State University Fullerton he received his BA in communications with an emphasis in advertising/marketing. Sean enjoys motocross, mountain biking, bodysurfing and snowboarding.