When I was a kid, Democrats were liberals. And I was told that being a Democrat meant they wanted change. By the same token, the Republicans were conservatives. And this meant they wanted things to stay the same. These simplistic definitions seemed plausible back then, but today they don’t hold water.
If you believe the unprecedented coverage of the major and immediate changes proposed by the president-elect that currently monopolize the media, then it appears we are in for quite a ride.
No doubt, there is always room for improvement and course corrections are a constant in a working government. But it will take time to change the direction of a ship the size of the U.S. The question is how carefully the incoming commander and chief can steer around obstacles and negotiate these changes while maintaining the safety of the surrounding fleet.
This is going to be a very exciting year! Welcome to 2017!
Please feel free to reach me anytime at byoung@youngcompany.com or 949-438-2722.
Client Spotlight: Delivery Drivers, Inc
Delivery Drivers, Inc. partners with delivery companies nationwide to provide legal compliance, accounting, on-boarding, enrollments and insurance that allow companies to focus on their business growth. In addition to working with marketing partners, DDI is the place for self-employed drivers who want to make their own schedules. Since 1996, DDI has succeeded in creating the best service for the transportation industry.
Employee Spotlight: Reid B. Horton
Reid has 8+ years of experience designing, building, and managing digital marketing campaigns. As a self-taught WordPress veteran, Reid has designed a multitude of lead generating websites for Real Estate, Surf/Skate Clothing, Law, Music, Dog Rescue, and a lot more. His keen sense of design aesthetics blend with his sharp eye for optimizing websites to clearly reach and resonate, with the intended audience.
Reid also handles the majority of our email marketing strategies, allowing his knowledge of user tendencies and strategic delivery techniques to effectively reach our clients’ customers.
With experience in graphic design for print and web, social media management and marketing automation, Reid constantly brings fresh ideas to our team, instantly increasing the amount of tools we can offer to clients.
In 2007, he played professional baseball in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, for the Robur ’58 Baseball Club. Reid also performs as a disco/house DJ.