Why Better ROI Comes From Better SEO


If your brand is investing heavily in content marketing, you’re probably betting that the cash outlay will convert to big results. But hoping is not getting. The rules of the SEO game have been altered yet again. The changes have shoved aside old notions and brought in a new set of must-do’s. For content marketers seeking an edge, here are three of those newly-instituted SEO rules in place for the current (but not necessarily next) year.

Create User Value.

Search engines have gotten much savvier in recent years. What once was a keyword-dependent technology is now a perceptive identifier of valuable content. Keywords are still important, mind you. But much more revealing to engines like Google is the value users derive from online visits. Bolstered by sophisticated metrics, search engines are evaluating factors such as – Are users getting sought-for results? Are they satisfied with their visit?

Build in Key Ideas Not Just Keywords.

Another sign of search engine perceptiveness is their increasing ability to recognize ideas and concepts related to specific keywords – not just the keywords themselves. In fact, Google and company have gotten so good at spotting relevancy that they’ll frequently zero in on an idea before a keyword. Case in point – A search engine might identify you by catching the phrase ‘great shopping experience’ used in your content instead of the keywords ‘best department store’. The engines have gotten quite adept at recognizing closely-related words. The upshot – it may not be your keyword that delivers users to your doorstep. So concentrate on the message, not the keyword.

Emphasize Unique Content.

Search engines are directing abundant attention at user experiences. Playing a huge role in creating a satisfying experience is fresh, original content. Therefore, Google and the like are putting a premium on unique content likely capture reader and viewer interest. The trick is to combine originality with an understanding of audience preferences.

If you have any questions or comments about SEO for content marketing, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.
You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or sarah@youngcompany.com.