Which Way are the Digital Marketing Winds Blowing?

Which Way are the Digital Marketing Winds Blowing?
Plenty of exhausted brand marketers out there. But it’s not all that office overtime. It’s those frantic attempts to keep pace with the rush of digital trends. Something new coming atcha every second.  Blink, and you’ll miss one. And so the challenge – how to determine which way the digital winds are blowing? While this answer is never easy, certain trends are in the limelight. Such as …

Mobile Internet usage is spreading quicker than general Internet usage. Currently, 2.8 billion folks use the conventional web — an 8% jump since 2014. Mobile web boasts 2.1 billion users. True, this is less than non-mobile. But it still reflects a 23% leap over last year’s figure.

The mobile surge looks even brighter when you consider its 2008 status. In that year, average American mobile Internet usage was about 20 minutes a day. In the year 2015, the number is almost 3 hours. That trumps laptop hours.

E-commerce is surging, too.  Online biz hit the $300 billion sales mark last year, or about 9% of total retail sales. In 1998, that figure was below 1%. Yep, it’s come a long, long way. And the end is nowhere in sight.

Among the growth drivers is Alibaba, China’s eCommerce powerhouse. Its platform boasts more than $350 billion worth of merchandise. Compare this with Amazon, where that figure is about $100 billion.

And who could ignore the growth of online, on-demand platforms. Case in point is Airbnb, which has booked about 35 million people. That in itself is impressive. But the figure becomes even more striking when you consider that 25 million of those bookings took place last year.

If you have any questions or comments about current digital trends, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or bart@youngcompany.com. And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.