Trending Tactics 101

Trending Tactics 101

Who creates a trend … marketers or consumers? Opinions vary widely on this matter. Some marketers believe they’re the sole authors of a brand’s unstoppable popularity. Others, credit the good folks plunking down their cash for a product or service.

Historically, it seems, the latter is the case. People generally adopt what they deem catchy or appealing; toss away the rest. If a product or idea is near and dear enough to their hearts, they’ll popularize it until it becomes a sizzling commercial trend. Not even the fiercest marketing barrage can force them to accept the inherently unappealing.

Does this mean brand marketers are pinned on the sidelines, helpless to impact trends? Not at all. Marketers can boost product appeal by incorporating the tastes and expectations of consumers into their product or service. This requires an effective info pipeline supplied via these two actions:

Open Your Ears. Listen attentively to consumer conversations about your brand.  Info that reveals customer likes, dislikes, and expectations regarding your product can be had through a variety of resources. Among these are surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and, of course, social media.

Pay Attention. Do you know what customers are up to online? What sites they’re jumping to? Who they’re engaging with? Answers to questions like these enable marketers to create accurate consumer profiles and perfectly matching campaigns.

If you have any questions or comments about consumer trends, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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