These Could Be Your Campaign’s Most Important Words


Getting found and ranked is only half the battle in the fine art of SEO marketing. A search result entry still must spur action – drive people to the intended web page. A well-honed meta description can do this spectacularly.

A meta description is that snappy snippet of text often displayed in a search result entry. Make no mistake about it … its effectiveness is crucial. Does this text influence SEO ranking? Not directly. Descriptions aren’t included in Google’s search criteria. BUT – Google does give plenty of weight to number of clicks. The right meta description can inspire those clicks.

So what goes into a solid, click-driving meta description?

Let’s start with compactness. 155 characters is the suggested maximum for descriptive text. Why so character-sparse? Because Google prefers snippets when displaying web text in search entries. If your meta description exceeds the limit, text will be eliminated for space saving purposes. What was once complete and beautiful could become a fragment, vague and confusing to users. And therefore likely to inspire very few clicks.

Proper structure also is crucial to the meta description. It is as follows: a direct product statement (i.e. ‘Get whiter teeth with Sparkle tooth gloss”), followed by a call-to-action such as “Try it today at a special low price.” Yes, cap every description with a CTA.

For icing on the cake, pack your brand’s primary search keyword into the meta description. This step works wonders on several levels. First, matching keywords shows consistency, which in turn inspires Google to use your meta description in search results. Second, Google will highlight the keyword, adding some eye-catching accents to your entry. With that kind of pizzazz in full view, only the toughest users could resist clicking.

If you have questions or comments about creating effective meta descriptions, or any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.