The Roads Best Traveled


Discover the road to success, and abundant rewards could be in your future. Brand marketers, however, can go one better. They have many roads to success, all of which can and should be traveled simultaneously.

The multi-road phenomenon is universally known as omni channel marketing. Utilizing this strategy, brands can blast messaging along a variety of media pathways. The objective, of course, it to cast the widest possible net. The more the merrier, as they say.

True, multimedia advertising isn’t exactly new on the scene. For eons, brands have launched campaigns built on a force of synchronized media -- TV, magazine, radio, billboard, and all the other popular favorites.

In the digital era, however, the options have proliferated. Social media, web content, search engine ads, email, smart devices, streaming video, and other advances have broadened the horizons tremendously. Brand marketers now have more choices than ever – and they have the means and hopefully the motivation to use them all.

Skeptical of multi-channel effectiveness? Consider this – 73% of shoppers and would-be shoppers tune into more than one marketing channel while romping through the sales funnel. Presumably, the more touches, the more engagement -- and a greater understanding of your brand. (And what brand doesn’t want to be understood?) Gold lies ahead, as every engagement pushes you that much closer to conversion. So doubters, ask yourself this -- If users love channel cruising, shouldn’t your brand be there to greet them? The roads are wide open – take them!

Along with heightened engagement, multichannel marketing boosts the personalization factor by a country mile. How? All across the globe, different consumers exhibit different channel preferences. Snapchat for one; streaming video for another. And so forth. Catering to these preferences establishes personalized connections on a widespread scale.

Naturally, some homework is in order. Through painstaking marketing research, individual channel preferences will be identified and built into consumer profiles. Thereafter, it’s simply a matter of reaching users via channels of choice. Efficiency is promoted, waste is minimized, budget guardians are satisfied, and everyone goes home happy.

If you have questions or comments about multi-channel marketing, or any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.