Small Business Marketing – Going All Out in the Age of Adaptation


Go all out for customers -- the prime directive and guiding principle of businesses everywhere. Unquestionably, it’s what you’ve gotta do to stay in the game. Only nowadays, you’ve gotta do it literally. For the sake of public safety, many enterprises must do what they do outdoors. Even if it means dragging furniture and equipment into the open air. Wanna stay open? Adapt. Walls and rooftops are yesterday’s news.

Should be (ahem) a piece of cake for local eateries After all, many already have customer-ready patios and other external feeding grounds. True. Nevertheless, assumptions and hopes are risky. Many people simply won’t know about your fresh-air alternative. You’ll need to tell them. Which means, marketing.

Start with the world’s oldest form of advertising -- signage. Value of said marketing tool is proportional to local traffic. The more daily traffic roaming past your windows, the more pulling power a sign will have. Not exactly high tech. But indisputably effective. Your mission: craft a catchy sign or two. And stick ‘em where they’ll scream for attention.

On the digital front, two resources are ready to serve. The first is SEO. But remember, you’re not just a local eatery anymore. You’re a local eatery with -- outdoor dining. Acres of it. Therefore, embed this phrase or any variants into your key terms. Hungry prospects will expect it.

Also digitally significant is social media. As with SEO, utilize preferred platforms to showcase your shift to the great outdoors. Exclusive introductory, bonus, first-time-diner discounts and assorted freebies will add to the appeal.

Remember, spectacular food and superlative service won’t do the trick. Not by themselves. In the current environment, public safety is paramount. Therefore, emphasize your commitment to sanitation, citing key examples of your fanatical devotion to cleanliness. Hey, if your food doesn’t cut it, maybe this will.

If you have questions or comments about small business marketing or any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.