Skip the Smoke and Mirrors Marketing

Skip the Smoke and Mirrors Marketing

Big promises, big results … everyone’s heard the sizzling marketing pitches ad infinitum. And far too often, all they get for listening with rapt attention is big disappointment. The feverish pitches and promises prove to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. And the show has knocked a big bruise in their budgets. So up go the brick walls, blocking out all those beastly marketers — the hoopla peddlers who want to do it to them again. Why listen when you’ve been ransacked repeatedly?

Surmounting the Wall

Yes, a great big barrier stands between all those skeptical prospects and the marketing legions. But the barrier can be surmounted – provided marketers break down resistance from the get go. And the best way to do that is take prospects on a joy ride into the future. Show them how your product or service will transform their lives for the better. You’re telling a story of brighter days forthcoming thanks to your brand. But be specific with your selling points and benefits. Vague, general promises are mud as far as customers are concerned.

Sculpt Your Message to Suit Your Prospects

OK, your nutritional mega-drink provides more energy than a laser blast. But this single benefit actually means different things to different people. If you’re targeting college students, for instance, that energy boost should mesh with their unique lifestyle needs. For busy executives, the slant is something altogether different. Same for every other customer segment. Same benefit – different customer paths. It’s all about knowing which route your product or service should travel. Once you chart the right course, prospects are much more willing to let your message in.

If you have any questions or comments about connecting with customers, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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