Pushing the People Button with Social Media Marketing

Pushing the People Button with Social Media Marketing

Social media definitely inspires people to be more sociable. Friends, fans, and even fanatics abound in this fast-paced sub-world. But why the strange power over so many people? Look deep within any of the social media channels, and you’ll discover the answer. Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest share an important common thread – they capture the essence of what it is to be human. Not the surface details, mind you, but the inner workings of our illustrious species. All those wants, dreams, aspirations, fears, and joys seem embedded in the flurry of transmissions flying through cyberspace. Two of the more notable humanistic underpinnings of social media are as follows:

Predictability. Most of us wouldn’t mind a crystal ball now and again, especially when selecting a new stock for our portfolio or a thoroughbred in the first at Del Mar. But since crystal balls are hard to come by these days, and meteorologists still misfire from time to time, we often seek predictability in other zones. When it comes to product predictability, one of the hottest sources is social media. Legions of consumers touting the benefits of a product or service instantly build trust in the minds of readers — a trust that says I know what to expect. Such ‘advance knowledge’ is a big factor in driving conversions.

Pat on the Back. Let’s face it. We all have hungry egos. Keeping them satisfied with nutrient-rich feedback and support is necessary for a balanced sense of self-esteem. Social media addresses this need with flying colors. When Facebook and Twitter offer consumers an open forum for airing rants, raves, views, and news about a product or service, brand marketers are acknowledging the importance of their readers. Ultimately, visitors will equate feeling good about themselves with feeling good about a particular product. This is an excellent way to build brand loyalty if ever there was one.

If you have any questions or comments about enhancing your brand with social media marketing, or about any other brand building topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or bart@youngcompany.com.  And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.