How to Be a Marketing Trail-Blazer

How to Be a Marketing Trail-Blazer

See that trail ahead? Of course not. It still has to be made. And you’re going to make it. Because the only way to maximize your chances of marketing success is to blaze a few trails; stay ahead of the pack. After all, why be a trend-spotter when you can be a trend-setter? It won’t be easy. But you can pave the way with the right brand marketing. Here’s some of what you need to know.

Track the Moving Target. In the marketing universe, matter is always in a state of flux, moving this way and that. One minute Google requires this. The next minute it’s looking for something else. Same holds true for social honchos like Facebook and Pinterest. Even email constantly evolves. All of these are moving targets for the brand marketer, always surprising the unprepared.

The trick is to zero in on these shifting components, keeping them well in your sites. If you know where they’re headed, it’s much easier to blaze your trail in their direction … or, if you’re really sharp, the direction you think they’ll move next. Face it. You’re playing chess with the digital forces. So you better keep your eye on the pieces.

Find Your Stability Zone. You might be shifting this way and that to keep track of all that ever-changing digital matter. But your brand still needs a stable zone to keep from going astray with new, misguided marketing programs. That stable zone is the consumer. Or more specifically, the consumer mind. Indeed, human psychology has marked very few changes since the first coin was plunked down for goods and services. Therefore, knowing the essentials of marketplace behavior definitely will keep you on a stable course as you blaze your new trails. As with most serious endeavors, it’s all a question of balance.

If you have any questions or comments about innovative marketing approaches for your brand, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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