Identity Crisis in Brand Land

Identity Crisis in Brand Land

You’re the proud owner of a fabulous brand. You know what you’re about, top-to-bottom, end-to-end. But do customers? Chances are, they don’t. Nowadays, your brand’s identity easily can get lost in the monster media blizzard. So many competing messages whizzing back and forth, vying for customer attention. You’re only hope is to push your brand out of the whirl and into the mind space of consumers.

Social media, of course, can provide you with the thrust you need. Propel your brand front and center on the marketing stage, deep into the consciousness of customers. But remember – social marketing isn’t a channel for flinging products and services into the digital void. It’s a means of educating visitors about brand’s finer points. In essence, it provides a get-to-know-us handshake and a major spark for continued interest. Once connected, most visitors will want to stay plugged in. So long as you —

Keep ‘Em Plugged

This requires no magic charms, gurus, or code-deciphering. What is needed to hold consumer attention is good ol’ engaging content. Written content, video content, audio content, feeds, blogs, photos, and more. It’s all high value stuff that people love to embrace. So give them all you can. And make sure it sings their song.

Bear in mind, once you’ve reached this stage, customers have opened the door and invited you into their personal space. So never forget you’re a special guest. Courtesy, respect, and friendliness are all par for the course. Forget that, and you’ll soon find yourself back outside.

If you have any questions or comments about building your brand identity with social media, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 #4033 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.