Get More SEO Mileage for Your Local Business

Get More SEO Mileage for Your Local Business

Get More SEO Mileage for Your Local Business

Congratulations! Your local business grabbed a spot on a search engine results page (SERP). But why stop there? You can boost SEO marketing mileage with a Google Business Profile.

A Google Business Profile (GBP) is a compact info display that appears next to a search listing. The display contains important information about the listed business -- phone numbers, web address, photo, and more – all neatly packed into one spot. Basically, a snapshot of your business.

For local businesses, a GBP is vital since it affects how your enterprise displays on Google maps. The importance is obvious if you’re vying for local customers.

Another major advantage is the SEO value offered by a Google Business Profile. In fact, the search engine prioritizes any listing with a GBP. This means, higher SERP rankings automatically are part of the package. Plus, a GBP is perfect for a time-crunched world thanks to its quick-glance format that provides instant info to users.

Speaking of users, they have something to say when it comes to a Google Business Profile. That’s right. A GBP offers ultimate interactivity, enabling users to share personal experiences via photos, videos, and other choice content. The content, of course, is an educational experience for businesses, which gain valuable customer insights – likes, dislikes, issues, etc.

How much a will a Google Business Profile set a business back? Zero. That’s right. The tool is free for the asking. There is one catch, however. Somebody will have to set it up.

If you have questions or comments about Google Business Profiles, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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