For Higher SEO, It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

For Higher SEO, It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

For Higher SEO, It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

It’s often been said that ‘it’s what’s on the inside that counts’. This aphorism certainly applies to the discipline of SEO marketing. The inside element in this case, of course, is internal linkage. Often playing certain fiddle to external links, internal links never should be overlooked. Why? Because when it comes to SEO results, their importance matches that of external linkage. This importance clearly is underscored by the equal value Google assigns to both link types.

Here’s how that works. When a Google bot crawls a website, it follows both internal and external links. During this process, the crawler calculates a ‘link value’ for each page. Generally, the more ‘relevant’ the scanned links, the greater their value. And the greater the value, the greater the contribution to SEO scoring. Thus, you want a generous supply of both types of links. The bots will be looking for them.

So, how do you get the most mileage out of internal links? For starters, you’ll need enough of them to earn the respect of search engines. But there’s a catch – first you’ll need plenty of content in which to place the linkage. Yes, your website’s internal linking structure must be built on a foundation of quality content. As this expands, so will the need and opportunity for links. Then you can let loose. But …

Don’t go overboard. Each post should set its own natural boundaries. For shorter posts, two links probably are sufficient, while five might serve the purpose nicely with longer ones. There is no official link limit, so sound judgement is crucial here.

Equally important is link relevancy. When creating a link, make sure it connects to pertinent information. For instance, the phrase ‘automobile tire construction’ meshes beautifully with a web page about a tire sale. With a page about goldfish bowls, not so much.

Finally, place internal links close to the top of their assigned webpage. This isn’t for decorative purposes. A relevant link captures attention immediately and keeps users reading on the connected page, thereby racking up more time spent on your website. A major contributor to SEO value. Also, a major contributor to a low bounce rate. That’s crucial because bounce rates also affect SEO scores. Just not in a positive direction.

If you have questions or comments about internal links, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way. You can connect with the Young Company team at 949-376-8404 or And be sure to follow us for the latest brand marketing news and tips.