Content Marketing: Inspire a Sharing Frenzy

Content Marketing: Inspire a Sharing Frenzy

In the online world, content marketers must do more than sell products and sip coffee at Starbucks. They also find a way to inspire sharing. The sharable stuff, of course, is content. Juicy, compelling, and irresistible. If enough of this hot commodity makes the rounds, your message is viral – a gold strike for any brand.

Unleashing viral content is easier said than done. As with any other worthy endeavor, the right steps must be taken. For interested parties, some of the most successful ones are as follows:

Capture Attention – immediately. The best way to do this is by offering recipients truckloads of cash. However, since this typically is a budget-blowing option, the next best course is to plant a riveting tagline front and center.  Naturally, you’ll want to keep it brief – something snappy and easily digested in the blink of eye.

Equally attention-getting is the crisp, compelling image. Used in tandem with taglines, grabby graphics can deliver a powerful punch.

Trigger an Emotional Response – Data-driven content is fine for the info-hungry. But for inspired sharing, the quickest route to success is content that triggers strong emotion – enough to create a ‘gotta-share-it’ moment.

What is it that unleashes those long-repressed feelings? Not surprisingly, humor is a big winner in this area. Make ‘em laugh, and you’ll make big headway.

Other emotion-triggers are the unusual, the incredible, and the controversial. Presented compellingly, any of these potential stimulators can inspire frenzied sharing.

Just Ask – Incredibly, many brand marketers take sharing as a given. If the content is sufficiently compelling, they believe, others will plaster it all over cyberspace. Maybe so. But why take chances? As with a call to action, marketers can boost their odds by making a blatant, shameless request. Typically, this is done by inserting a share button in a strategic spot – preferably not in the middle of a sentence.

If you have any questions or comments about viral content, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.