5 Steps to Instantly Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy


In a world with so many ways to stay in touch, it’s flat-out impressive how much impact email continues to have.

Over 205 billion emails are sent and received every day*.  Yeah, 205 BILLION.

With that much back and forth, you’ll need to stand out among the crowd with your email marketing strategy by including a well-rounded strategy,  no matter the product you are offering.

email-marketingWith that in mind, we decided on 5 high impact strategies that you can introduce today into your own marketing efforts!

1. Plan It Out

When you have a plan, you plan to succeed. Yes, it sounds corny (because it is), but, it’s also true. Just running into the wilderness of email marketing is probably not the best plan of attack. Instead, make a plan and follow it. How often should we email? What should the emails content? What content do we want to focus on? How many discounts per month, etc?

2. Segmentation

Easily one of the most overlooked components of any successful email campaign. Instead of just sending EVERY email to EVERY subscriber…think about the way they are interacting with your emails. Maybe send a “follow up/reminder” style email to the segment who hasn’t opened an email in a few weeks,or maybe send a bigger discount for those who have clicked on your links recently. By tailoring your message based on actual data, you’ll instantly have a better success rate.

3.  Automation

Now, here is the “meat” of the email marketing sandwich: automation! This allows you to send emails in a timely, and effective manner. Ever notice how you’ll get an email from Amazon after you purchase something…with related items? That is a prime example of “purchase-based” automation. Most email marketing providers have this option, and you can base it on check-out, pages visited, time spent on a page, and a whole gaggle of other parameters.

4.  Analyze the Data

Just like any good marketing campaign must use actual data, email is no different.  If you notice that your website visitors are visit specific pages more than others…maybe we should craft an email regarding those services or products people are already visiting? Yes, yes we should.

5. Send a Series

The best campaigns all have one thing in common: sharing relevant and timely information. When you have a subscriber sign up for your list, think of the introduction process in stages. You wouldn’t just blurt out your life story to a complete stranger, would you? By introducing your product/services as a series, you can gently nurture the relationship of this stranger/subscriber. Send an email immediatly after sign up, with a quick introduction. Schedule another for 2/3 days later with more information on a specific product/service they were interested in when the signed up.

By intelligently planning and executing an email marketing plan, you can instantly add benefit to your subscribers, which turns into higher engagement (and sales!).

Do you have any strategies you love to use? Share with us!
