Getting Past the Marketing Midpoint

Website visitors are pouring in, tromping down the marketing funnel. There they are, in the middle. Will they advance or abort? That all depends. Their decision largely will depend upon what they encounter. They’re on a quest to solve a problem or reach an objective. So, they want answers – and they’re set to research the universe to find them. That’s what the middle of the funnel is for. At this stage, a brand must provide information that satisfies the researching mind. Urgently needed is the right content tailor-made for the moment.

Suitable content for the funnel midpoint can take many forms, most of which are familiar to brand marketers. Careful, however, not to pack a sales pitch into this stage. The touting comes further down the funnel. For now, you’re an educator of the highest magnitude; an all-powerful guru for those who seek answers.

A comparison article is an excellent content choice for this stage. This exploration presents your solution against other types. If you stack up well, your advantages will be obvious. Statistics, tests, and other informational resources have a major role to play here.

Equally convincing are FAQs. These address specific questions floating through the minds of prospects. Knowing which questions to ask, and of course answer, requires a certain advance knowledge on the part of marketers.

For a realistic, this-could-be-you approach, nothing surpasses the detailed scenario of a solid case study. These in-depth accounts showcase actual people facing the problem or objective at hand. By sequentially detailing the objective, solution, and results, case studies offer strong evidence in a real-world setting.

For ultimate thoroughness, the e-book reigns supreme. Essentially, this compendium of info covers a subject end to end, storing it in one convenient, easily-accessible place.

Taken together, resources such as these build a strong case for a brand solution. In fact, their availability likely will mean the difference between continuing the marketing journey or making a u-turn.

If you have any questions or comments about middle of the funnel marketing, or about any other brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.