Content Rules with Even Greater Force

Content Rules with Even Greater Force

Once upon a time, content was king. Then it got nudged onto the edge of the throne (but not all the way off) by a slew of unusual and shady practices believed to enhance SEO value. Now, thanks to the implementation of Google’s updated algorithms, the monarch is again firmly planted on the throne. And his highness is ruling with greater force than ever.

Any business contemplating questionable practices such as keyword stuffing and irrelevant link-building should save their greenbacks. With the new algorithms in place, those archaic shortcuts will backfire in a big way. Like it or not, King Content is on the throne for good.

Google’s intervention reflects its long-standing goal of presenting search information in the most relevant, precise, and useful light possible. It has succeeded admirably with the latest round of algorithm changes, creating the necessity of quality content in all spheres of search activity.

Bear in mind, one needn’t create content on the order of ‘Hamlet’ in order to capture the notice of search engines. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to give your words high value by taking the following into consideration when composing content:

Relevancy. This is essential for any brand hoping to leap into the path of search engine radar. If you’re selling dishwashers, content that spotlights dump trucks probably won’t fly. Unless, for some strange reason, built-in dishwashers suddenly become standard equipment on dump trucks. … It could happen.

Relevancy also applies to the keywords incorporated with content. As mentioned above, stuffing random search terms into blogs, web pages, social sites, and all the rest will only hammer down your value in Google’s eyes. Marketers must select words and phrases that are clear tie-ins with their brand or subject matter.

Succinct Headlines. 70 characters or less … that’s the recommended length for headlines intended for search engines. Although brief is the way to go, leave enough room in your headline for a keyword. Search engines always are on the lookout for these.

If you have any questions or comments about creating searchable content for your brand, or about any brand-related topic, feel free to send them our way.

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